Euroopaliidu regionaalarengu fond


Kauksi rannahoone äratab head mälestused ellu! Kas mäletad neid lapsepõlvesuvesid, mil sai päevade kaupa paljajalu kõrgete mändide vahel joostud, okkad liivasel pinnal tallaaluseid torkimas? Vees sai mängitud nii kaua kuni sõrmed olid krimpsus ja huuled lillad. Külm ei olnud, aga ema ja vanaema käskisid millegipärast ikka veest välja tulla. Siis sai istuda rannarätikul ja liivaste näppudega kodust kaasavõetud juustusaiu mugida. Aeg-ajalt kõndis mööda müüja, kelle käest sai Eskimo jäätist osta. Aastad läksid ja Kauksi rand jäi ning lapsepõlvesuvedest said malevasuved. Päevad olid kuumad, aga siis tundusid ööd vaat et kuumemadki.

Suved on siin endiselt täpselt sama palavad nagu lapsepõlves. Paljude jaoks helgelt nostalgiline Kauksi rand, legendaarsed laulvad liivad ja Eesti pikim liivariba on täpselt sama koha peal. Uus on aga 2021. aastal avatud Kauksi rannahoone. KAOS arhitektide Toomas Adrikorni ja Margit Aule projekteeritud avar, L-kujuline hoone avaneb vaadetega Peipsi järvele ning on loodud teenindama ranna külastajaid. Võime etteruttavalt mainida, et siia on ka sügistuulte eest mõnus varjule pugeda. Oled teretulnud!


Kauksi rannahoone asub erakordses kohas. Ümbritsevas männimetsas on kosutav jalutada või jalgrattaga sõita olenemata ilmast. Kauksi luidetel ja männiku all lookleb piki Peipsi kallast ligi kilomeetri pikkune laudtee, mis on sopistatud vaateplatvormide ja istumiskohtadega.

Rannapromenaadil on laste mänguväljakud, kaks võrkpalliplatsi, tänavakorvpalliplats, 16 elemendiga välijõusaal ning varjualustega piknikuala, mida suviti kasutatakse vabaõhukontsertide lavana. Nii võib siin elava muusika saatel nautida näiteks Muinastulede ööd ja teisigi romantilisi vabaõhukontserte.

Lisaks on promenaadil lamamistoolid, rannapingid, riietuskabiinid ja välidušš, mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks kõigile rannamõnude nautijatele ning tualetid. Suviti on avatud pop-up terrassikohvik.

Kauksi rannapromenaadi ja -hoone rajamist on rahastatud Piirkondade konkurentsivõime tugevdamise meetmest.



Kauksi beach is a picturesque place right by one of Europe’s biggest lakes, Lake Peipus. It is also here that you’ll find Estonia’s longest sandy beach. Breath-taking lake views, hot sand, and a pine forest offering refreshing shade on a sunny day make Kauksi an attractive resort, which is well known and much loved among locals.

In 2021, Kauksi Beach Centre, designed by KAOS architects Toomas Adrikorn and Margit Aule, was opened. A spacious L-shaped building offers views over Lake Peipus and is meant to cater for beach visitors. Sure enough, it is also a unique place to come and hide from the autumn winds. You are always welcome here!



Tasulised parkimisalad on:

Parkimistasu määr ühe mootorsõiduki parkimise eest 3 eurot päevas ja kuupilet 30 eurot. Kuupiletit saab osta Alutaguse Vallavalitsuse kontoritest.



It is possible to rent Kauksi Beach Centre for seminars and company events, as well as private parties. The building fits 50 people. A spacious room with views over Lake Peipus can be set according to your event’s needs. The building is equipped with a projector, screen, blackboard, speakers, electrical window covers and a large TV. There are also chairs and both round and square tables for four included in the room rental price. There is also a sauna on the first floor of Kauksi Beach Centre. See special offers for partners here.

In addition to the large spacious room, Kauksi Beach Centre also has private offices that can be used for working remotely and they form a scenic environment located right by Estonia’s biggest lake. There is no need to worry about an internet connection – the building is supplied with an optical cable, which ensures Kauksi Beach Centre has one of the fastest and most stable internet connections in the whole municipality.


The building is equipped with an excellent, restaurant-level kitchen and a bar. It is possible to order catering for your events. For further inquiries, please contact us.


It is possible to rent bicycles from Kauksi Beach Centre. The wide selection includes both regular bikes, as well as fatbikes with large tyres, which make it especially easy and comfortable to roam the sandy beach of Lake Peipus. For those travelling with children and wishing to explore some of the many nearby hiking trails, there are also bikes with baskets, as well as child seats and, of course, helmets. For further information regarding bicycle rent, please send an e-mail to or call +372 5264 222 or +372 5552 2732.


Kauksi Beach Centre is located in an extraordinary place. It is surrounded by pine forest with many hiking trails close by. The forest is wonderful for bike rides, walks regardless of the weather, and for picking blueberries along the way. Along the shore of Lake Peipus, on the Kauksi sand dunes and underneath the pine trees, there is a roughly one-kilometre-long boardwalk, which is enriched with seating areas and viewing platforms.

On the beach promenade, there are children’s playgrounds, two volleyball courts, a street basketball court, an outdoor gym with 16 pieces of equipment, and a sheltered picnic area, which is often used as a stage for outdoor concerts during the summertime. Therefore, it is quite easy to enjoy romantic open-air concerts and live music accompanied by lake views here. It is especially lovely during the Night of Ancient Lights or on Midsummer’s Day.

In addition, the promenade has beach chairs, benches, dressing cabins, toilets, and an outdoor shower, which are meant for everyone who is enjoying the beach fun. During the summer season, there is also a pop-up café on the terrace of Kauksi Beach Centre.

The construction of Kauksi Beach Centre and the beach promenade was funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
